Skelizard's Den


Artwork of Skelizard


NAME Skelizard/Lizard/Awful Creature Thing
AGE Is dead
SPECIES Posessed skeleton thing
PRONOUNS they/it/whatever
HEIGHT/BUILD 80ish cm, is a skeleton


-Chaotic creature
-Likes to scream
-Drools glowy green slime
-Hoards bones
-No thoughts
-Doesn't actually speak I just draw it scream 'hi' a lot.

What I look like on the internet.


This is my mascot character thing, it's also 'me' I guess in that I'd much rather draw this dumb thing to represent myself instead of an actual person but I don't particularly see it as a sona or 'actually me'. It's some sorta posessed raptor skeleton creature thing.


-All the green parts are glowy.
-The hair can be actual hair or like spectral ghostly effects or a combo of the two.
-There's no strict design rules it's all up for interpretation.


My friends I guess idk.



Be sure to check out the artist links!