Skelizard's Den

Yo, I'm Skelizard.

I like monsters and
draw things.


This website is an eternal work in progress, excuse any missing pages. Best viewed on desktop! If things look messed up, clear your cache!
17-6-2024: Added more art to character pages and slightly adjusted some code, among a couple of other minor things.
13-6-2023: Revamped the character directory page to something less practical but a lot cooler + added/updated character pages. Cleaned up code throughout the site. Archived some character pages to eventually be added to their own section in the future.
19-12-2022: Got my character pages up to date with guest art, plus some additional website links added.
27-9-2022: Progress on expanding character galleries to include guest art.
26-9-2022: Added a character page for Skelizard and edited some minor things.
10-6-22: Added bios of my characters in the Characters page.
14-4-22: Website live!
11-4-22: Website construction ongoing...