
NAME Sieve
AGE 27yrs
RACE Changeling
AGE 27yrs
RACE Changeling
GENDER Nonbinary
PRONOUNS they/them
HEIGHT/BUILD 175cm, Thin
PRONOUNS they/them
HEIGHT/BUILD 175cm, Thin
-A bit unpredictable
-A little too good at keeping secrets
-Prefers to not be seen
-A little too good at keeping secrets
-Prefers to not be seen
Sieve was raised by kenku, their kenku parents unaware they are a changeling. With instinct they adopted the form of a kenku and were seen as no different and raised as one of their own. As they reached adolescence Sieve became conciously aware what they really are and after much internal debate, revealed this to their kenku parents who did not take kindly to it. The kenku who Sieve knew as their parents promptly disowned them, kicking them out accusing them of being a spy. Sieve's kenku brother, Whistler, was particularly close to Sieve and disagreed with his parents decision, deciding to leave the home with their sibling and stick by their side, providing them the only support they have.Sieve has multiple faces though their most common and frequent form is their kenku form, mostly due to having lived as one their whole childhood. They put on a more anxious act in their kenku form around people they don't know, though they're much more level-headed than they make it out to be. They only ever use their true form at home and amongst the few that they trust, and those who will keep it a secret. They have complicated feelings about being a changeling.
They are a professional thief, working jobs where their shifting abilities are most advantageous.
-Kenku form is like a magpie/emu kinda deal.-3 rectangle eyelash design kinda things.
-Rat's tail.
-Two earings on left ear.
-Puts on a more anxious act in their kenku form.
Whistler - Their brother who stuck with them when they were kicked from home.>GALLERY
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