Skelizard's Den
This website is hand-coded from the ground up by me, it is an eternal work in progress. If things are showin' up weird, hit Ctrl+F5 or clear your cache! Best viewed on desktop!

30-9-2024: Cleaned up some code to be better responsive. Redid/updated several pages to display on mobile better, will needa touch things up later. Complete overhaul of my gallery code. Added more art to character pages. Basically an overall site update.
17-6-2024: Added more art to character pages and slightly adjusted some code, among a couple of other minor things.
13-6-2023: Revamped the character directory page to something less practical but a lot cooler + added/updated character pages. Cleaned up code throughout the site. Archived some character pages to eventually be added to their own section in the future.
19-12-2022: Got my character pages up to date with guest art, plus some additional website links added.
27-9-2022: Progress on expanding character galleries to include guest art.
26-9-2022: Added a character page for Skelizard and edited some minor things.
10-6-22: Added bios of my characters in the Characters page.
14-4-22: Website live!
11-4-22: Website construction ongoing...

RIP my best friend.